File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 20

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
191 04-06-1992 15 Kb. 9
PM Physical Memory usage monitor. Displays as
a bar chart and a percentage the amount of physi
cal memory used by resident pages. Updated every
5 seconds. 
192 17-06-1996 852 Kb. 8
PM Patrol version 4.2d: 32-bit PM resource mgmt
software and toolset for OS/2 2.1+ 
193 06-07-1996 858 Kb. 11
PM Patrol 4.3 - System resource mgmt and control
software for OS/2 2.1 & Warp. Rate must-have
utility. 4.3 adds Ram per process.  
194 16-06-2000 5 Kb. 7
Add-on for PM Patrol to show number of opened
TCP/IP sockets on it's status line. 
195 16-07-1996 402 Kb. 10
An OS/2 PM application:    It graphically displa
ys the size of your swapper file and updates
by user-settings.  
196 03-07-1996 603 Kb. 9
pmSystemMonitor 3.0 - The ultimate System Monito
ring tool for OS/2 Multithreaded PM statusbar
monitoring system:CPU,tasks,drives,mem,... 
197 30-03-1999 163 Kb. 9
PM Why/2 0.95. Hardware-Detection (Replacement
for the OS/2-Hardware-Manager). 
198 13-01-1998 141 Kb. 9
isapnptools-1.13 for OS/2.  Ported from the
Linux version.  ALlows configuration of PnP
devices under versions of OS/2 before Warp 4. 
199 12-09-1996 24 Kb. 9
Automaticaly creates database for add program
tool in system setup folder. So if you reinstall
Warp, you don't have to create every object
with the program template. The objects will
be automatically created. 
200 25-01-2003 100 Kb. 8
The the Universal Serial Bus (USB) Print Support
for the OS/2 Warp family. Basic USB support
is required(Dec 21 2001) 

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