File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 22

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
211 27-11-1999 41 Kb. 9
Terminates a process (version 1.1). 
212 09-03-1998 28 Kb. 9
PU Monitor v1.01 shows CPU Load, free memory,
TCP/IP traffic and computer uptime. 
213 04-07-1999 71 Kb. 9
PU Monitor v2.04. Shareware system monitoring
tool. Primarily targeted to replace Warp Center
Monitors panel its now a feature rich and useful
monitoring tool. 
214 26-09-1996 32 Kb. 9
Putlog Log Generator. Prog to help track compute
r usage and errors by logging user operations.
Enclosed are 2 versions, OS/2 and MsDos.  The
program can add to a log either from the command
line or through batch and command files. 
215 15-07-1996 742 Kb. 10
Performance Plus V3 - A Tuning & Utility Kit
for OS/2 Warp & 2.x - Demonstration Copy 
216 14-09-2002 44 Kb. 7
PWMon - A  simple monitoring program to reboot
a machine if the server being monitored does
not respond within the given timeout period(Nov
14 1996) 
217 13-01-2000 85 Kb. 9
A REXX script to prepare OS/2 fixpacks for appli
cation from hard disk.  Uses a disk image extrac
tion tool which does a CRC validation on the
diskette images before applying what could other
wise be junk from a bad download to your system. 
218 07-03-1998 458 Kb. 9
qikview for OS/2 System, See DMA, IRQ, Memory
Usage Utility. 
219 02-07-1996 17 Kb. 9
Desktop Object script for ID software's QUAKE. 
220 21-02-2000 48 Kb. 8
This utility gathers Vital Product Data(VPD)
of the OS/2 installation. 

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