File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 19

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
181 14-02-2001 8 Kb. 8
PGMCNTRL.EXE - A command for controlling a few
of functions for every process in the OS/2 syste
m via the PID number or the EXE name(freeware). 
182 26-03-2002 32 Kb. 8
PIPESPEED/2 - A utility to measure the pipe
speed(MB/s). EMX is required(Dec. 2nd 2001) 
183 19-04-1999 96 Kb. 11
Freeware. A thermometer read-out for OS/2. Requi
res a Siemens TI545 PLC (any 505 series PLC
should work also) with a 505-7028 thermocouple
module and RXASYNC.DLL (full version available
at this site). REXX reqd. 
184 pm25demo.exe 30-03-1999 572 Kb. 19
Demo of Priority Master II v2.5. does everything
that the full version does except only 6 program
s can be stored and only 3 started from the
"hot list". 
185 13-10-1989 24 Kb. 8
Monitor CPU usage under PM 
186 13-10-1989 10 Kb. 8
Free memory monitor (PM) 
187 17-09-1998 41 Kb. 9
PM program that uses APM/2 (version 1.4, by
Roman Stangl) to perform a defined system termin
ation, i.e. "standby", "suspend", "poweroff". 
188 20-07-1995 22 Kb. 9
PMCPU version 0.90A CPU monitor/meter similar
189 09-05-1996 416 Kb. 10
PM-Cron 1.21 with Sources, Network and NLS,
needs EMX. 
190 29-11-1990 27 Kb. 9
PM Disk Map v.1.00  Graphically displays the
amount of disk space consumed by directories
and files.  Freeware. 

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