Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
171 | | 17-08-2000 | 176 Kb. | 9 | PCI hardware report program. |
172 | | 22-02-2002 | 299 Kb. | 10 | A PCI & AGP bus sniffer v0.44▀vk with recognitio n of hardware types. PCI.EXE and CHKPCI.EXE are command line programs with VIO output(Jan., 5th 2002) |
173 | | 13-03-1997 | 87 Kb. | 9 | Process Commander Installaion Assistant. |
174 | | 19-01-2000 | 8 Kb. | 10 | PCITEST.EXE v1.1 - Find all PCI devices. Allows many special tests. |
175 | | 09-08-2002 | 311 Kb. | 11 | Documentation: The OS/2 Compatibility Test Progr am v4.0 and v4.5 as the OS/2 PCM Compatibility Testkit (May 20 1999) |
176 | | 30-11-1994 | 546 Kb. | 9 | Performance 3.2 Beta System Optimizer and other very handy utilities by Clear & Simple fixes some bugs, good till Jan 1st 95. |
177 | | 30-03-1999 | 46 Kb. | 12 | Performance Monitoring(alpha) Uses the CPU-count er of the Intel Pentium and Cyrix 6x86MX to show the e.g. the amount of FPU instructions. |
178 | | 16-01-1996 | 385 Kb. | 10 | Performance PLUS V3 Maintenance. Several bugs fixed. Contains 9 of Performance PLUS's 19 utili ties plus the run-time DLLs from VisProRexx 3.01. Requires the full version of Performance PLUS installed for these "fixed" versions to run. |
179 | | 03-10-1997 | 12 Kb. | 10 | Program Control v1.03 Freeware VIO utility to manipulate the apperance of program sessions within your system or to kill them. |
180 | | 26-07-2003 | 33 Kb. | 9 | PGMCNTRL v1.04 - A program to perform actions like kill, forced kill and query and window functions like minimize, maximize, restore and hide on _every_ process in the system(Apr 29 2002) |