File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 25

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
241 09-03-1994 2 Kb. 10
Simple OS/2 REXX procedure to invoke the loaddsk
f.exe utiliti to make diskettes out of  disk
242 13-07-2003 3 Kb. 10
MAKEMSG.CMD v1.5 - A REXX procedure to convert
the driver message file (eg "") to
the following: logmsg.hpp - message number defin
itions, logmsg.cpp - message text, logmsg.tsf
- input to the TRCUST utility(Apr 27 2002) 
243 25-02-1993 2 Kb. 9
Make Object Utility (v1.0)  by F. Paul Ballard.
REXX/2 Command file to ADD/EDIT/HIDE/SHOW workpl
ace objects.  Uses external files as input.
 Source Included with Docs. 
244 28-07-1999 14 Kb. 10
MakeObj.CMD v1.05. 
245 13-10-1992 6 Kb. 10
Programming tool for REXX. Allows a root REXX
routine to be expanded using source library
functions. Eliminates 'COPY and PASTE.' 
246 27-10-1992 5 Kb. 10
OS/2 2.0 Service Pack Creator. REXX script to
take the OS/2 service pack images and make diske
ttes. Uses VREXX as a front end. REQUIRES: OS/2,
VREXX, LOADDF, and the Service Pack images.
This release is for Svc Pack XR06055. 
247 14-02-2003 878 Kb. 10
MakeTune - A procedure using DrDialog REXX platf
orm(Nov 4 2002) 
248 07-06-2003 4 Kb. 10
A VX-REXX application which creates DB2 compatib
le views of sytem tables for SQL/DS databases(Ju
l 10 1995) 
249 04-07-1999 14 Kb. 10
A Rexx script to generate program objects, inclu
ding INF, HLP, HTML, etc. documentation objects
using drag-n-drop or commandline.  
250 28-08-1998 34 Kb. 10
3 REXX curve fitting and convolution programs. 

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