Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
21 | addprog.cmd | 19-05-1994 | 2 Kb. | 127 | Add a program obj to the desktop. REXX. Uses VRexx to allow user to find files with file dialogs. Select file, icon, title. |
22 | | 30-04-1995 | 2 Kb. | 11 | Rexx Exec to Add up Total EA's Used 95/04/30. Scans disk & lists all files. Adds up total number of EA's associated with the files & uses cluster size of disk to check if size of EA DATA. SF file is correct. |
23 | | 31-10-1992 | 3 Kb. | 11 | Converts German Umlauts into ASCII lower chars. Short REXX Script 1.21 (bug fix). Translates German Umlauts and 'ss' into lower ASCII charact ers and formats ASCII texts to a maximum of 78 chars/line. Useful for GCP users. |
24 | | 11-11-2000 | 31 Kb. | 9 | Advanced REXX Programming Topics. |
25 | | 30-12-1994 | 8 Kb. | 12 | Control the screen in REXX w/ansi codes 94/12/30 . Routines that Rexx can use to control display with ansi codes, including Locate, Color, Contro lscreen attribute. Get the current line/column, move the cursor up-down, left or right, etc. |
26 | | 18-09-1990 | 4 Kb. | 11 | Fun with ANSI screen graphics and REXX. A set of flexable Ansi-graphics routines written in REXX. It does screen/io and can draw a variety of Boxes and lines, as well as set screen attrib utes. |
27 | | 22-09-2002 | 320 Kb. | 12 | Documentation: ANSI - X3718-199X: Programming Language REXX. GSView isr required |
28 | | 18-04-2003 | 2 Kb. | 12 | A Rexx script to create polygons of N sides with TrueSpectra(Dec 12 2001) |
29 | | 25-06-1993 | 2 Kb. | 11 | Archive Handler 1.1 - Update to ARCH.ZIP. Added support for GZip .gz files, cleaned up the code a bit. |
30 | | 04-01-1993 | 1 Kb. | 9 | Custom Association Type Definitions. Allows you to define your own association types. Docume ntation is included in the REXX command file as a comment. |