File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 atmfinst.cmd 28-01-1992 0 Kb. 131
Simple REXX exec to install ATM fonts on OS/2
32 30-04-1996 32 Kb. 12
REXX script to run command at given time, modell
ed after the AT command available in LAN Server.
Runs a specified command once at a time specifie
d; differs from CRONRF in that there is no contr
ol file. 
33 11-12-1995 83 Kb. 11
REXX scripts for BackMaster 2.0. Automatically
backup only local hard drives, & to automaticall
y assign names based on date & type of backup
(Full or Incremental). Will ONLY work w/ BackMas
ter 2.0. AUTOBK.EXE will work w/ 1.1 & 2.0. 
34 11-06-1996 21 Kb. 11
Intelligent Rexx base64 en/decoder. Uses BASE64
35 06-02-1993 13 Kb. 15
Modified version of Ralf Hauser's REXX CMD file
utility for backing up OS/2 HPFS drives with
a DOS based tape drive. Contains original and
updated versions. 
36 02-02-1994 2 Kb. 12
REXX .cmd file that automatically backs up chang
ed *.ini files each time the computer is started
. Put in the startup folder  
37 15-01-1995 137 Kb. 11
A REXX file to control use of the OS/2 backup
command, plus updated system files to improve
the warning message for diskette change.  
38 11-12-1989 12 Kb. 13
RexxSAA for OS/2 1.2, manage your BBS 
39 27-10-1992 9 Kb. 11
Build SOM Objects on OS/2 Desktop. A description
language for creating folder and program objects
using REXX SysCreateObject API. Automatically
resolves path names, handles nesting of objects
within folders and makes setup easier. 
40 07-03-1994 16 Kb. 12
Birthday reminder utility (REXX) 

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