File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 9511ls03.cmd 16-11-1995 4 Kb. 145
Nov 95 The REXX Column - Listing 3. Example
of building equivalent of Windows Accessories
program objects on OS/2 Desktop. Intended as
accompaniment to REXX Column in the November,
1995 issue of OS/2 Magazine. 
12 9601ls01.cmd 05-02-1996 4 Kb. 146
Jan 96 The REXX Column - Listing 1. REXX program
will create a formatted .TXT file from CONFIG.SY
S This progam is intended as an accompaniment
to the REXX Column in the January, 1996 issue
of OS/2 Magazine. 
13 10-12-1995 220 Kb. 10
Mar 96 The REXX Column - 9603LS01.ZIP. Build
objects for Warp Connect .INF & .HLP files.
Includes WPTOOL18.ZIP. This progam is intended
as an accompaniment to the REXX Column in the
March, 1996 issue of OS/2 Magazine. 
14 11-01-1993 75 Kb. 11
Rexx Comm. Mgr. Management Interface. Perform
most Comm. Mgr. SNA configuration, management
and display verbs from Rexx. Requires Extended
Services and OS/2 2.0. Includes .INF help file. 
15 03-11-1992 8 Kb. 12
REXX routine to dial NIST Automated Computer
Time Service and set PC date and time. Routine
understands Daylight Saving Time and will (optio
nally) adjust for it. 
16 27-10-1992 6 Kb. 11
REXX routine to set the system clock from the
Automated Computer Time Service. 
17 04-04-1992 3 Kb. 11
REXX cmd to add TYPE EAs to files. This will
link files to WPS associations. Also includes
utility to create new WPS associations. 
18 07-11-1996 26 Kb. 12
AddGE.ZIP - Simple OS/2 REXX program to add
values of invoices. 
19 27-07-1992 5 Kb. 12
AddIcon Version 1.1. Attach any icon file to
one or more arbitrary files. Make your drive
objects under OS/2 2.0 more friendly and attract
ive. This update now supports wildcards. 
20 30-03-1996 2 Kb. 12
Must-Have Utility for Creating Folders, Etc.
2 REXX scripts and instructions on how to instal
l them so that you can create new folders and
program objects by simply right clicking on
the desktop to access the desktop's menu. 

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