File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 17

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
161 ff.cmd 13-12-1993 0 Kb. 75
FindFile: FF is an workable example of using
os/2 window DIR command to search multiple drive
s and return the full drive:\path\file name. 
162 26-06-1992 3 Kb. 10
FindFile PMREXX Sample for Os/2 2.0 Desktop.
PMREXX demonstrating how to detect when under
PMREXX, how to use REXX utils to test floppy
drives, search for files, etc. 
163 16-06-1999 0 Kb. 9
Sample for switching a REXX proc. into the foreg
164 28-05-1998 19 Kb. 9
FASTINI v98.148 Rexx DLL with example rexx code
on how any rexx program that accesses INI files
through SysIni calls are made much faster. This
does not require your code to be rewritten just
two small pieces of code to be inserted.  
165 02-12-1995 3 Kb. 12
REXX script says how old file is (How many secon
ds ago). 
166 10-06-2003 22 Kb. 11
A REXX procedure to  determine valid file char.s
on FAT resp. HPFS depending on codepage(Jan
28 2002) 
167 17-07-1995 24 Kb. 11
FileFind - a VX-REXX utility to find programs
based on a search of environment variables.
Requires VROBJ.DLL.    
168 22-09-1995 100 Kb. 13
Update to FILREXX 1.0. Fixes some bugs in the
original. Lets a REXX script easily read/write
binary files, and do device I/O that standard
REXX doesn't support. Free. 
169 24-08-1995 92 Kb. 12
Directory selection dialog. All Rexx w/ RexxUtil
(no other .dll's needed). It should unzip into
a VPR project directory called FindDir. There
is no documentation with this. 
170 05-06-1991 1 Kb. 11
REXX/2 function to find next available host

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