Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
151 | | 09-03-1994 | 0 Kb. | 12 | ENVEDIT is an environment variable editor. It associates the environment w/ os/2 editor. REXX program. |
152 | | 14-04-1995 | 146 Kb. | 12 | Enhanced Visual Rexx (uses |
153 | | 08-07-2003 | 148 Kb. | 11 | EVRexx v1.00 - EVRexx is a package of external functions for REXX-programs. EVRexx enables the use of PM dialog-windows from your REXX-appl ication. Source is included(Mar 26 1995) |
154 | | 17-09-1990 | 5 Kb. | 16 | EValuate eXpressions. A REXX program for OS/2. Saves intermediate results in an environment variable. You can call it from the command line, call it in non-stop mode, or call it from anothe r REXX program. |
155 | | 20-04-1993 | 4 Kb. | 13 | REXX .CMD file allows you to execute a series of commands on a specified set of files. |
156 | exist.cmd | 13-12-1993 | 0 Kb. | 110 | REXX version of DOS if exist filename then... Called from other .CMD files to check if a file or directory exists. See comment in EXIST.CMD for an example of how to use it. |
157 | | 26-09-1997 | 133 Kb. | 12 | Extensions for VisProRX Spreadsheet Control. With the sbcspsht.dll one can sublass a VisProRX Spreadsheet Control. The control gets enhanced functionality Look at the included sample to understand how to use the DLL. |
158 | | 23-06-1991 | 0 Kb. | 14 | Rexx program to factor positive integers. After unzipping this file, type "FACTOR nnnnn" and press Enter to factor "nnnnn". |
159 | | 04-06-1995 | 2 Kb. | 12 | Free Cron Rexx Utility for OS/2 95/06/05. Simpli fied version of unix cron utility written in Rexx for OS/2. Allows to cause commands to execu te at certain times which you specify in a cron table. |
160 | | 29-04-1995 | 9 Kb. | 14 | FDATER.ZIP v4.0 REXX code for date arithmetic. FDATER.REX, a REXX implementation of the "TrueDa te" date arithmetic routine. This is REXX source code for a date arithmetic routine. It is in the public domain. |