File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 07-07-1992 0 Kb. 10
REXX Exec to show the internal revision of any
OS/2 kernel. 
172 24-11-1994 10 Kb. 9
OS/2 REXX - Recreate Std System Objects. Will
generate a REXX program that can be used to
recreate standard system objects defined in
an .RC file. Its primary function is to recreate
OS/2 system objects inadvertently deleted. 
173 20-09-2000 108 Kb. 10
( Assist in converting FORTRAN
source 2 REXX. 
174 11-09-1996 15 Kb. 9
REXX/Text version of freecell - now in color. 
175 27-04-2003 2 Kb. 8
FTBATCH.CMD -  A procedure to put and get files
via rexx ftp(1997) 
176 16-11-1993 6 Kb. 10
Visual REXX PM front end for TCP/IP FTPPM. 
177 21-11-2000 78 Kb. 11
(  Rexx multithreaded email
178 15-04-1997 27 Kb. 9
FAXCLASS - Object REXX classes for direct access
to FaxWorks Pro features from command line of
batch files. Also allows faxing PS documents
and PCL and DCX documents. 
179 29-11-1999 57 Kb. 9
Updated Rexx support as needed for the VOICE2.ZI
P voice scripts. 
180 15-03-1993 13 Kb. 9
GetBootDrive OS/2 2.0 REXX .DLL external func
to return ltr of boot drive.  C Source and 
make file.  Uploaded by author B. Hogman. 

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