File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 dswkly.cmd 20-06-1994 3 Kb. 101
This REXX program creates and executes the 'job'
s needed to retension, format (if needed), label
, backup, and verify using DualStor. This update
was done to make the error handling a little
142 08-07-2003 56 Kb. 10
DUC  v1.0 - A REXX program for Dial-Up Connectio
n. It can create a Dial-Up Connection as desktop
objects(Jan 3 2003) 
143 27-07-1999 4 Kb. 11
Shows Object Rexx class-tree in effect, lists
classes and methods. 
144 08-10-1992 4 Kb. 11
Find and Delete Duplicate files on multiple
paths or disks. Uses VREXX interface to query
which files to delete. 
145 dwnvprx.lzh 03-05-1995 20 Kb. 109
Sample REXX extension DLL for VisPro REXX to
perform some functions omitted from VisPro.
Freeware with source code.  
146 04-08-1994 3 Kb. 10
EADUMP v94.216 Rexx program dumps a files Extend
ed Attributes. It's written in rexx and makes
use of the OS/2 EAUTIL.EXE program.  
147 22-06-1991 1 Kb. 9
Allows you to remove Extended Attributes (EA's)
from when OS/2 was installed. REXX command file
searches disk, removes EA's, and frees up disk
space. (Use at your own risk. Some Extended
Attributes may be required.) 
148 22-10-1994 7 Kb. 10
PMREXX program displays .KEYPHRASES, .SUBJECT,
and .COMMENTS EAs.  Drag/Drop interface.  
149 06-03-1994 5 Kb. 10
EAPREP - Backup/Restore Extended Attributes.
EAPREP is a REXX procedure that creates command
files to automate the backup and restore of
extended attributes, for use with DOS backup
programs that are not aware of EAs. 
150 30-07-1993 0 Kb. 13
EDIT function for numeric punctuation. The edit
function / subroutine is intended to apply punct
uation (commas) to a whole number or dollars
and cents source field returning the edited
result stripped of all leading and trailing

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