File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 19-12-1993 5 Kb. 9
Three 256-color icons for Doom (3D adventure
game). One of the title screen and two of monste
72 01-11-1995 31 Kb. 10
Fixed readme file, icon of drinking bird. 
73 25-01-1996 36 Kb. 10
CLiP ICONS (Drives). WorkPlaceShell Icons for
OS/2 Warp. Use same color palette - less colors,
more FX. 3-D styled, w/ illumination & shadow
effects. Designed for use with every OS/2 suppor
ted screen resolution & color depth. 
74 e.ico 14-03-1997 3 Kb. 77
Replacement icon for System Editor after FixPak1
. Warp 4 fixpack 1 destroys the icon for the
E editor. Here is a replacement icon file, taken
from the E editor before fixpack 1. 
75 30-03-1998 1 Kb. 10
You may have seen that by applying fixpack 1
for Warp 4, the OS/2 System Editor's icon is
somehow missing. Just add this manually and
its back. 
76 09-08-1995 354 Kb. 8
This set now has 214, or so, icons for IBM OS/2
77 29-07-1995 277 Kb. 9
Ed's Icon Collection V3 contains 270 useful
78 07-03-1995 125 Kb. 10
Original collection of ICONS for 8514 res mode.
High quality icons for FFST, mainframe networkin
g etc. 
79 19-07-1995 38 Kb. 8
2nd volume of icons - enhanced and added icons. 
80 26-07-1995 51 Kb. 10
3rd volume of icons - 3D folders and Icons +

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