File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 crazynew.ico 20-01-1995 2 Kb. 89
An improved icon for Crazy Clock - contains
both the 40x40 and 32x32 versions, plus the
little ones for the titlebar of a folder.  
62 17-01-1998 11 Kb. 8
Cross mouse pointers for OS/2. 
63 03-03-1996 6 Kb. 7
CROSSES : Christian Mouse pointers for OS/2. 
64 10-06-1996 292 Kb. 9
Bunch o cursers  
65 datzap.ico 30-07-1992 3 Kb. 67
Icon to Store To-Be Shredded Objects. Icon repre
sents a container object that stores objects
for shredding. With this approach you can easily
back out before deleting and you can confirm
several deletions at once. 
66 11-06-1996 17 Kb. 10
This is the Dancin' Bear pointer set. 
67 12-03-1995 10 Kb. 9
A few HI-RES OS/2 Descent Icons. (256 color) 
68 26-10-1998 32 Kb. 10
OS/2 Def Leppard icons 
69 19-01-1992 0 Kb. 8
ICON for your favorite Digital Radio Software. 
70 27-06-1993 2 Kb. 8
OS/2 icons for several DOS games and application
s, namely Cosmo's Adventure, Galactix, Redhook,
Catacomb Abyss and the Compuserve Information

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