File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 9

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
81 25-07-1995 8 Kb. 9
Euge's pointers for OS/2 Warp 
82 13-07-1995 4 Kb. 9
Yellow Face Icons for OS/2 95/07/13. "BOB" Style
Face Icons For OS/2. 
83 26-05-1997 63 Kb. 9
66 Far Side icons (256-color). 
84 fern.ico 02-10-1992 0 Kb. 69
Fern icon for OS/2. Going along with the idea
from Steve Allen... instead of saying you moved
the icon, you can now move your fern. (g) 
85 fidoicon.lzh 14-03-1991 1 Kb. 100
Three BinkOS/2 and MAXP OS/2 Icon files. 
86 16-03-1994 90 Kb. 8
Colorful Folder Icons for OS/2 users. Make your
machine more COLORFUL...AND easier to navigate.
Replace the plain folders in the Drives objects
with folders w/logos. This is the SECOND install
ment of FolderCons! 
87 05-12-1994 4 Kb. 8
4 Folder Icons. These are a four cute folder
icons for OS/2 programs, Windows programs, Mesa
2, and VX-REXX projects. Hope you like them. 
88 22-01-1994 78 Kb. 9
Special OS/2 product FOLDER icons. These are
some 40x40 folder icons for OS/2 2.x. The 40x40
icons are shown in the 1024x768 desktop resoluti
89 02-10-1992 26 Kb. 8
A set of icons for folders. Requires UNZ50X32
to uncompress. 
90 folders1.exe 15-03-1996 79 Kb. 32
CLiP ICONS (Folders 1). WorkPlaceShell Icons
for OS/2 Warp. Use same color palette, less
colors, more FX. 3-D styled, w/ illumination
& shadow effects. Designed for use w/ OS/2 suppo
rted screen resolution & color depth. 

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