File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 cimos2.ico 14-09-1994 2 Kb. 81
A quick edit of the CIM icon to differentiate
it from the WinCIM icon. 
52 11-10-1995 4 Kb. 10
Object Desktop style CIS folder icons (open/clos
53 cisnew.ico 29-11-1995 2 Kb. 79
New Color Icon for CIM/OS2. New icon created
by contributor for OS/2 users, based on the
updated CompuServe color logo introduced in
54 coffee.ptr 16-05-1995 0 Kb. 101
'Get a Cup of Coffee' Mouse Pointer. This is
a standard OS/2 mouse pointer (PTR) file that
is a picture of a hot cup of coffee. Makes a
great wait pointer. 
55 15-05-1996 3 Kb. 8
Set of colorized mouse pointers for OS/2 Warp. 
56 25-11-1995 13 Kb. 10
CLiP ICONS (Communication). WorkPlaceShell Icons
for OS/2 Warp. Uses same color palette - less
colors, more FX. 3-D styled, with illumination
and shadow effects. Designed for use w/ every
OS/2 supported screen resolution & color depth. 
57 05-09-1995 58 Kb. 8
Sixteen pointer sets for OS/2 Warp - set the
mouse to face in any compass direction. Easy
to install! Replaces WINDROSE.ZIP and DIAGPTR.ZI
58 26-05-1997 9 Kb. 8
10 Control (i.e. System Setup) icons (256-color)
59 01-06-1995 8 Kb. 8
Includes Startrek & Hand pointers. 
60 cpromp.ico 13-07-1992 3 Kb. 78
Icon showing a monitor with the C: prompt. Use
this icon to represnt a windowed DOS or OS/2
session. 16-color VGA and 256-color 8514 version
s included. 

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