File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 15-01-1995 319 Kb. 12
DoomEdit/PM Version 1.06 Multi-threaded OS/2
PM Doom Map Editor, 32-bit C, supports DOOM
and DOOM2, configurable drag-and-drop PM interfa
ce, tunable background threaded node builder. 
92 28-08-1995 147 Kb. 12
DEU (Doom Editor Utility) 5.3 beta 9 Release
1.0 for OS/2 2.1 and above. Edit WAD files for
DOOM, DOOM2, Heretic. 
93 28-06-1991 60 Kb. 12
Death From Above, Version 2.00 is a game where
up to 6 players can connect to a server program
and shoot at each other by giving launch angles
and velocities. 
94 23-06-1999 94 Kb. 12
Dungeon Of Doom Text Adventure V1.3 Qbasic sourc
ed dungeon adventure with up to 6 characters
in your party, monsters can attack in groups
of up to 15, bosses to fight upon retrieval
of the key treasures, large selection of armor
and weapons 
95 02-07-1997 28 Kb. 12
Digger Version 1.2 Strategy/Logic Game. Move
your player through a maze that has boulders
in the way, exploding frogs and butterflys.
This DEMO version is not CRIPPLED in any way.
$10.00 registration for more levels and challang
96 27-02-1994 95 Kb. 12
32-BIT MineSweeper game  
97 03-04-1994 408 Kb. 12
Play DOOM Under OS/2 ! PM based Launcher with
98 17-05-1998 2380 Kb. 12
Doom for OS/2 v2.19 with latest shareware WAD. 
99 27-03-1997 1237 Kb. 12
A collection of WADs for DOOM. 
100 28-05-1995 41 Kb. 12
DRIFT  v1.02 beta. Space game ported from Window
s to Warp. Freeware. 

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