File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 9

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
81 11-09-1997 275 Kb. 10
Early alpha version (0.1a) of Risto Ahonen's
Cosmic Defender.  You are the pilot of a high
performance war ship destroying hostile alien
82 14-12-1992 50 Kb. 13
32 bit OS/2 Craps game. Version 2.01. This game
requires OS/2 2.0. Online help gives all betting
rules and some helpful hints. Compiled 12/14/92
to fix some minor bugs. 
83 27-10-1988 36 Kb. 18
PM Rubiks Cube 
84 16-12-1995 308 Kb. 10
Curses (release 16) - Critically acclaimed inter
active fiction text adventure in the tradition
of Infocom, on a mammoth scale. 
85 01-04-1993 119 Kb. 12
Life Cycles APPC game described in Jul/Aug APPC
Connection newsletter.  Supports up to 13 player
s.  IBM written APPC demo program.  
86 07-06-1996 764 Kb. 12
DustyDots is a beginner's strategy game. 
87 08-07-1995 452 Kb. 11
Dungeon Master simulates attacks and dice rolls
for RPGs. 
88 06-07-1993 82 Kb. 12
Daleks v1.0, an OS/2 2.0 PM version of the old
"daleks" or "robots" game seen elsewhere. Avoid
the Daleks while making them crash into each
other. Simple yet addictive. 
89 26-03-1997 164 Kb. 12
Dungeon Chess 4.0. Now enhanced to play in 1,
2 or 3 dimensions. Internet and LAN aware via
TCP or NetBIOS. Some new features include a
Chat Facility, Teleportation,  and Mercenaries.
Dungeon Chess is OS/2 based,  and optimized
for Warp 4. 
90 15-01-1994 15 Kb. 12
DOOM editor for OS/2 

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