File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 08-08-1992 204 Kb. 11
Dreamworld Trilogy version 2.1 for OS/2 - a
text adventure game ala Zork. 
102 17-09-1995 217 Kb. 10
A series of three text adventures.  The Dreamwor
ld Trilogy, version 3.0. 
103 18-07-1993 163 Kb. 11
Dinkum3 v2.12 text adventure.  Requires EMX.DLL. 
104 06-08-1992 39 Kb. 10
Edge Effects, puts marquee style lights around
the currently active window. 
105 24-04-1996 43 Kb. 11
Tetris-like game for OS/2. 32-bit OS/2 PM applic
106 18-06-1996 390 Kb. 10
A text simulation game which consists of reprodu
cing colonization of a hostile environment with
a limited budget. For Amiga/Linux/OS2, w/src. 
107 29-04-1994 28 Kb. 8
OS/2 utility to embezzle $2 billion dollars
in a SimCity 2000 data file 
108 03-10-1994 343 Kb. 9
Chuck Simmons 'C' Empire V 5.00 ported to Borlan
d C++ for OS/2. Text war/strategy game using
'curses' windowing. Greater fighter range, movem
ent, patrol boats, satellites than DOS ver.
No Nukes. One play vs. computer. Src included. 
109 10-03-1998 4311 Kb. 9
Stardock Entrepreneur 1.5 demo. World domination
through corporate warfare. 
110 entdocs.pdf 23-09-1997 1158 Kb. 53
Documentation for Stardock's Entrepreneur game.
 Requires Adobe's Acrobat Reader. 

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