File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 01-06-2000 162 Kb. 12
Colem/2, a OS/2 native Coleco emulator. ver
0.4.3 March 5, 2000. 
72 01-06-2000 113 Kb. 12
( Emulator
- Xfree86 port of Colem - Discontinued - ver
0.3 -jmt 3  
73 06-03-1995 28 Kb. 11
Columns game for OS/2 PM. 
74 com103.exe 05-04-2000 7446 Kb. 30
CROWN OF MIGHT game, Full Version 1.03. 
75 comd103.exe 05-04-2000 3883 Kb. 31
CROWN OF MIGHT game, demo version1.03. 
76 comdupd.exe 05-04-2000 351 Kb. 29
CROWN OF MIGHT game, demo update version 1.03. 
77 11-11-2000 7999 Kb. 11
Crown of Might Game - Full version 1.06(Nov.
78 16-01-1991 17 Kb. 11
Connect4 is a network version of the Connect
4 game for two players. PM game requires Lan
Manager/2 or Lan Server. Select another user
on the network to play against. Only users that
have the game active can be selected. 
79 24-04-1994 283 Kb. 12
Connect Four game 
80 15-12-1995 138 Kb. 14
Solar Conquest V2.2 - Fully functional version
of space monopoly game. 

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