Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
151 | | 19-11-1990 | 27 Kb. | 11 | PostScript Type 1 font - Graphic Light - use with ATM and OS/2 1.3 |
152 | | 14-06-1996 | 57 Kb. | 10 | "Grantham" is a text face that looks slightly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largel y by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
153 | | 14-06-1996 | 60 Kb. | 11 | "Grantham Bold" is a text face that looks slight ly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largel y by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
154 | | 14-06-1996 | 64 Kb. | 11 | "Grantham Condensed Roman" is a text face that looks slightly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largely by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
155 | | 14-06-1996 | 58 Kb. | 11 | "Grantham Light" is a text face that looks sligh tly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largely by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
156 | | 14-06-1996 | 158 Kb. | 10 | "Grantham Outline" is a text face that looks slightly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largely by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
157 | | 14-06-1996 | 133 Kb. | 10 | "Grantham Shadow" is a text face that looks slightly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largely by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
158 | | 14-06-1996 | 65 Kb. | 10 | "Grantham Condensed Bold" is a text face that looks slightly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largely by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
159 | | 14-06-1996 | 59 Kb. | 11 | "Grantham Light Condensed" is a text face that looks slightly different from the usual faces, without being unusble for most purposes. It is inspired largely by Debeny Peignot Grasset of 1898. |
160 | | 16-07-1991 | 12 Kb. | 10 | Green Capitals- Hollow top, filled lower Adobe Type 1 Font. Requires OS/2 1.3 or later. |