File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 19-06-1993 46 Kb. 9
ATM Font - Garmond-Normal 
142 16-03-1991 56 Kb. 12
ATM Font File - El Garrett 
143 18-05-1994 173 Kb. 13
Geo 231 Typo/2 is like Geometric 231 or Cable,
but the Typo/2 fonts contain the typographic
characters you've missed in the ASCII environmen
144 georgi32.exe 25-04-1998 237 Kb. 27
Georgia, Microsoft Times Roman style of truetype
font. It is very easy to see on a computer monit
or with a high resolution, or on a laptop displa
y. 32-bit ver, requires Windows 95/NT to be
extracted. Then install as OS/2 Truetype font. 
145 georgia.exe 25-04-1998 191 Kb. 28
Georgia, Times Roman style font, w/serifs. Desig
ned for Windows 3.1, but it also works under
OS/2 and Win-OS2. This is a free web font from
Microsoft. This is one of Microsoft's fonts
designed for use with internet web pages.  
146 13-06-1996 114 Kb. 11
"Glastonbury Shadow" is a stylised black letter.
The idea for the design originates with an Ameri
can children's Post Card from the turn of the
147 13-06-1996 67 Kb. 10
"Glastonbury Wide" is a stylised black letter.
The idea for the design originates with an Ameri
can children's Post Card from the turn of the
148 13-06-1996 111 Kb. 10
"Glastonbury Wide Shadow" is a stylised black
letter. The idea for the design originates with
an American children's Post Card from the turn
of the century. 
149 13-06-1996 65 Kb. 10
"Glastonbury" is a stylised black letter. The
idea for the design originates with an American
children's Post Card from the turn of the centur
150 21-08-1991 53 Kb. 13
Old English Style Font for OS/2 1.3 and Adobe
 Type Manager.  

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