File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 17

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
161 hallo_t1.exe 28-01-1999 102 Kb. 28
Halloween Match ATM T1 shareware fonts from
Match Fonts. For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use
ATM Fonts, or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp
3 and OS/2 v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts. 
162 hallo_tt.exe 28-01-1999 99 Kb. 28
Halloween Match TrueType shareware fonts from
Match Fonts. For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use
ATM Fonts, or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp
3 and OS/2 v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts. 
163 02-03-1991 35 Kb. 11
ATM font for 1.3 
164 25-07-1991 39 Kb. 10
ATM Font - Heidelberg-Light 
165 14-06-1996 43 Kb. 13
"Helena" is a font based on the inscription
from a Greek Government bond of 1898. 
166 14-06-1996 45 Kb. 9
"Helena Bold" is a font based on the inscription
from a Greek Government bond of 1898. 
167 14-06-1996 75 Kb. 12
"Helena Outline" is a font based on the inscript
ion from a Greek Government bond of 1898. 
168 14-06-1996 42 Kb. 11
"Helena Squat" is a font based on the inscriptio
n from a Greek Government bond of 1898. 
169 14-06-1996 43 Kb. 11
"Helena Wide" is a font based on the inscription
from a Greek Government bond of 1898. 
170 16-07-1991 15 Kb. 11
Horst Capitals- Highly decorative Adobe Type
1 Font.  Requires OS/2 1.3 or later.  

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