File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 14

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
131 29-12-1990 35 Kb. 13
ATM Font File - Florence 
132 16-05-2002 1738 Kb. 11
FontsSmart v2.5 - A program to search, list,
view, install and uninstall fonts in WIN-OS/2. 
133 04-10-1992 37 Kb. 11
PostScript Type 1 font conversion utilities. 
134 04-08-2002 46 Kb. 11
Three german fonts: fraktur types (1995) 
135 27-01-1998 54 Kb. 10
FreeType/2 is a free replacement for TRUETYPE.DL
L. For OS/2 Warp 3.0 and above. Comes with simpl
e "install" and "uninstall" scripts. Source
code available in the "contrib/ftos2" directory
of the main FreeType release. Beta. 
136 27-01-1998 47 Kb. 9
FreeType/2 is a free replacement for TRUETYPE.DL
L. For OS/2 2.1. Comes with simple "install"
and "uninstall" scripts. Source code available
in the "contrib/ftos2" directory of the main
FreeType release. Beta. 
137 08-07-1998 179 Kb. 10
FreeType/2 beta 2. OS/2 TrueType Font Driver
DLL based on the FreeType engine. It replaces
IBM's TRUETYPE.DLL in Warp 4, but it can be
installed on older versions of OS/2 too. http:// 
138 15-11-2001 3111 Kb. 12
About 80 *.FM fonts to create big system fonts.
During installation cancel those which are alrea
dy installed(2000) 
139 21-05-1994 147 Kb. 11
Futurist Typo/2 is a sans serif font like Futura
, but it provides many of the typographic charac
ters that are missing in other fonts in the
ASCII environment. 
140 19-01-1991 43 Kb. 11
ATM Font for OS/2 1.3  Futura-Black. 

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