File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 apps20c1.dsk 17-01-1994 1300 Kb. 176
APPS Kit CSD, TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2  1 of 2. This
is CSD UN52840, APPLICATIONS (only) Kit TCP/IP
2.0 for OS/2 Use Loaddskf.exe to extract this
file and the APPS20C2.DSK files.  Then run TCPIN
42 apps20c2.dsk 17-01-1994 1440 Kb. 169
APPS Kit CSD, TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2  2/2 
43 15-07-2002 31 Kb. 13
A fix of APPSTART.EXE (Jun 20 2000) 
44 28-01-2001 630 Kb. 13
A fix for ARP.EXE in MPTS v5.50 (Jan. 23th,
45 02-02-2003 8 Kb. 11
A fix of ATTACH2.EXE (Dec 1 2002) 
46 02-12-2002 7 Kb. 13
A fix of AUTOFGND.EXE (Aug 31 1998) 
47 14-07-1993 505 Kb. 16
AVC 1.05 fixes since April 1993 
48 avc5u_b1.dsk 07-03-1994 1469 Kb. 158
AVC 1.05 upgrade disk; 1 of 2. 
49 avc5u_b2.dsk 07-03-1994 1537 Kb. 154
AVC 1.05 upgrade disk; 2 of 2 
50 avcupg.txt 07-03-1994 1 Kb. 62
AVC 1.05 upgrade text description 

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