File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 18-09-1995 1135 Kb. 14
AOS2ECSD. APL2/2 Entry Edition CSD Disk #2/4.
Service level 6. 
32 18-09-1995 1126 Kb. 13
AOS2ECSD. APL2/2 Entry Edition CSD Disk #3/4.
Service level 6. 
33 18-09-1995 1126 Kb. 11
AOS2ECSD. APL2/2 Entry Edition CSD Disk #4/4.
Service level 6. 
34 ap8150b1.dsk 06-10-1995 971 Kb. 85
IBM LAN Server 4.0 ServicePak - IP08150 U.S.(3.5
0") for LS 4.0 and Warp Connect LS 4.0. APPELETS
DISKETTE #1 3.50 1.44MB 
35 ap8152b1.dsk 10-12-1995 971 Kb. 105
IBM LAN Server 4.0 ServicePak - IP08152 U.S.(3.5
0"). APPLETS DISKETTE #1 3.50 1.44MB 
36 ap8222b1.dsk 20-05-1996 1063 Kb. 159
LS 4.0 ServicePak IP08222 Applets Disk 
37 ap8227b1.dsk 14-09-1996 1253 Kb. 137
ServicePak for LAN Server 4.0 for U.S.-English
IP08227. APPLETS DISKETTE #1 3.50 1.44MB 
38 25-01-2002 5555 Kb. 16
A fix for APL2 v1.19  Entry Version(May, 24th
2001) see:
39 25-01-2002 6164 Kb. 14
A cumulative fix for APL/2 v1.1.19  Advaced
Version(May, 24th 2001) see: http://
40 29-07-2002 9 Kb. 13
A fix of APM.SYS as build 10.073 - The Advanced
Power Management driver(Jul 5 2002) 

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