File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 22-02-1994 221 Kb. 13
This file contains apars IC05238, IC04933, IC055
35, IC06241 and IC04261 which are all required
if a backup domain controller is Tinstalled
in your domain.  Thereis a backup.txt file descr
ibing each fix 
52 04-05-1995 5 Kb. 15
VisualAge C++ Beta II Fix Pack #1  95/05/04.
Contains missing ICLUI header files. 
53 24-05-1995 178 Kb. 14
VisualAge C++ Beta II fix #2 for OS/2 2.11.
Fix #2 to the VisualAge C++ Beta II, to allow
it to run on OS/2 2.x. This fix is NOT to be
applied if you are running Warp. 
54 30-11-1994 118 Kb. 13
C Set++ Beta for Version 3 Fix #1. Please see
the README in the ZIP file. 
55 05-05-2000 87 Kb. 12
OS/2 Boot Manager Fix for W2k (April 2000) 
56 07-08-2002 69 Kb. 13
A fix of BROWSER.EXE as build 53.99(Nov 28 2001) 
57 13-06-1999 17 Kb. 12
BVHSVGA.DLL from the Merlin beta DDPak CD. Solve
s nasty hangs running fullscreen sessions with
ATI video cards on Warp 4. 
58 c400112b.txt 20-10-1996 3 Kb. 84
README for Current-OV/400 1.1.2, Refresh B.
The README.TXT file for installing Current-OV/40
0 Release 1.1.2, Refresh B, C400112B.ZIP. 
59 21-08-1996 1309 Kb. 14
Current-OV/400 V 1.1.2, Refresh B.  See README.T
XT for additional information on installing
and running this Refresh B with Current-OV/400
Version 1.1.2. 
60 29-07-2002 157 Kb. 12
A fix of CCHMAIN.EXE (Jul 4 2000) 

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