File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 21-03-2001 221 Kb. 12
A fix for DHCPCD.EXE - The DHCP Client Program
for MPTS 5.40, and a fix for NSPUDATE.EXE -
The Dynamic DNS Client Update Program for TCP/IP
v4.2 with an error report (Feb. 5th, 2001) 
172 06-07-2002 164 Kb. 9
A fix(IC33899) of DHCPSD.EXE. Fixes the DHCP
server which does not authenticate DHCP clients
(Jun., 14th 2002) 
173 10-10-2002 151 Kb. 9
A fix of DHCPSD.EXE for TCP/IP v4.1(Aug 8 2002) 
174 dl8222b1.dsk 19-05-1996 1415 Kb. 101
LS 4.0 ServicePak IP08222 DLS Disk 1/3 
175 dl8222b2.dsk 19-05-1996 1174 Kb. 105
LS 4.0 ServicePak IP08222 DLS Disk 2/3 
176 dl8222b3.dsk 19-05-1996 1350 Kb. 105
LS 4.0 ServicePak IP08222 DLS Disk 3/3 
177 13-06-1994 669 Kb. 11
New LS 3.0 DLR fixes, 6/10/94. 
178 dlrcsd30.dsk 15-08-1993 477 Kb. 89
IP07003 SelectPak, LAN Server 3.0 DLR 
179 dls40.txt 13-04-1996 7 Kb. 84
DOS LAN Services 4.0. 96/02/20 Update - list
of fixes. 
180 20-02-1996 1739 Kb. 11
DOS LAN Services 4.0 Update. 96/02/20 

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