File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 19

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
181 31-07-1996 1574 Kb. 10 Latest Dos Lan Services fixes for
DLS 5.0 
182 dns20c1.exe 07-09-1994 520 Kb. 19
CSD UN60004  domain name server kit for TCP/IP
2.0 for OS/2.  Download then execute "DNS20C1
-D" to a diskette or file. 
183 dosbox.exe 13-03-1998 134 Kb. 19
Latest TCPIP fixes for DOS Sessions with Warp.
Type DOSBOX /? at the command line to get instru
ctions on how to apply these fixes. This file
is recommended for use with RealPlayer 5.0 for
184 02-05-2003 149 Kb. 9
A fix of DOSCALL1.DLL  (Dec 9 2002) 
185 09-07-2002 40 Kb. 10
A fix of DPI20DLL.DLL - The 32 BIT SNMP-DPI
v2.0 for DPI 2.0 sub-agents(Apr., 18th 2001) 
186 10-10-2002 31 Kb. 10
A fix of DPI20DLL.DLL(Jun 22 2002) 
187 09-07-2002 230 Kb. 10
A fix for DSPRES.DLL(OS/2 Display Fonts) as
build 14.057(Oct., 19th 2000) 
188 18-04-2003 9 Kb. 11
Fix of OS2DUMP usable on any LVM-ized system
(i.e. WSeB, ACP, ACP2, MCP, and MCP2). It fixes
the problem with os2dump overwriting partitions
on LBA-enabled systems(Mar 4 2002) 
189 13-08-1993 42 Kb. 9
EBCDIC update fix.... EBCDIC passthru for ES
190 26-01-1993 86 Kb. 10
ES 1.0 Enhanced VDD for DOS/Windows EHLLAPI.
EHLL16.ZIP introduces an enhanced virtual device
driver (VHAPI) which adds DOS and Windows* EHLLA
PI support to the existing ES 1.0 support. It
also includes a fix for (APAR JR06329). 

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