File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 17

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
161 03-06-1992 194 Kb. 12
IPMD fixes: Latest fixes to IPMD lockup, trap,
and shutdown problems. 
162 19-07-2002 551 Kb. 9
A fix for the Debug Spooler to Warp Server FP
40. Includes PRFWRITE.EXE which writes to INI
file (Dec 4 1998) 
163 19-07-1994 226 Kb. 11
The Correct Word Fix for IPDS.  Includes replace
164 18-08-2002 79 Kb. 13
A fix of DF_DEB.EXE as build 14.044(Oct 29 2001) 
165 18-08-2002 79 Kb. 12
A fix of DF_RET.EXE as build 14.044(Oct 29 2001) 
166 dg130h.rea 22-09-1996 1 Kb. 76
DatagLANce Network Analyzer CSD - v1.30h. README
for DG130H. Review this file before applying
the CSD. Applies corrective services to Version
1.21 or 1.30 DatagLANce software, upgrades to
ver 130h. 
167 dg130h1.dsk 22-09-1996 909 Kb. 87
DatagLANce Network Analyzer CSD - v1.30H. Disket
te #1 of 2.  See DG130H.REA for instructions.
Applies corrective services to Version 1.21
or 1.30 DatagLANce software, upgrades to ver
168 dg130h2.dsk 22-09-1996 1102 Kb. 154
DatagLANce Network Analyzer CSD - v1.30H. Disket
te #2 of 2. See DG130H.REA for instructions.
Applies corrective services to Version 1.21
or 1.30 DatagLANce software, upgrades to ver
169 06-07-2002 101 Kb. 14
A fix of DHCPCD.EXE(DHCP client) for MPTS 6.00(M
ay, 4th 2001) 
170 06-07-2002 101 Kb. 13
A fix(IC30276) of DHCPCD.EXE for MPTS 6.0: will
set the flag for the Loopback broadcast by DHCP
client when configured dynamically from DHCP
server(May, 11th 2001) 

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