File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 24

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
231 29-12-1998 35 Kb. 8
1.2 File partitioner - splits & combines files
- what we wish zip would do. Now with many argum
ent enhancements - Can fill partially filled
media with variable partitioning sizes automatic
232 04-09-1993 13 Kb. 8
Universal Text Find & Replace Utility v1.0 that
works with any file sizes, any file types, and
any file formats. Works with a single file and
multiple files. It does not disturb your file
233 27-01-1994 14 Kb. 8
A "free space on drive" utility that returns
ERRORLEVELs for use in batch files. 
234 28-07-2000 20 Kb. 6
FREESP.EXE  - A command exe to show all free
disk space (July 2000) 
235 07-09-2002 61 Kb. 8
FREEOS2 v4.02 - A tool that shows the partition
size, the free space, and the serial numbers
of the installed hard disks(Jul 1 1999) 
236 07-09-2002 132 Kb. 7
FREEPM v4.02 - A PM tool to show the size of
partitions, the free space, a balance of the
space, and the serial numbers of the hard disks(
237 14-04-2001 1027 Kb. 9
FreeJFS v1.10 ported from open source(Apr. 13th
238 28-07-1992 15 Kb. 7
OS/2 2.0 File size calculation and reporting
util. FS2 displays file information, totals
sizes of a file or group of files, and calculate
s the total amount of disk space actually alloca
ted for the file(s). 32 bit OS/2 only. 
239 fs21demo.exe 15-02-2000 1456 Kb. 25
FileStar/2 v2.10d1 demo. Elegant, easy to use
graphical file manager for OS/2. Intuitive,
dual file window display makes it easy to drag
and drop files from one partition and directory
to another. 
240 fs21demo.txt 15-02-2000 5 Kb. 59
FileStar/2 v2.10d1 demo ReadMe file. 

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