Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
211 | | 30-07-1995 | 45 Kb. | 9 | FIT 3.0: Intelligent Disk->Diskette file copy. |
212 | | 23-03-1992 | 13 Kb. | 7 | UZ42_32E.ZIP FITT v1.01 OS/2 pgm to fill floppie s. |
213 | | 12-03-1997 | 2 Kb. | 8 | Fix files which have some bad sectors. |
214 | | 11-01-1995 | 5 Kb. | 9 | FIXTITLE-Chges longnames to match filenames 94/12. Rename files using WPS & the command line, the icon titles may not match name of files. DIR will list different set of file names from those viewing directory through WPS. Fixes bug in OS/2. |
215 | | 14-07-1999 | 638 Kb. | 9 | FILEJET, v7.75 (German). Multi-platform file manager and editor for OS/2 , WIN-NT/95/98,DOS. |
216 | | 14-07-1999 | 626 Kb. | 8 | FILEJET, v7.75 (English). Multi-platform file manager and editor for OS/2 , WIN-NT/95/98,DOS. |
217 | | 04-01-1995 | 442 Kb. | 9 | FILEMANAGER and EDITOR for OS/2 and DOS. |
218 | fl-sar20.exe | 29-08-1995 | 434 Kb. | 26 | Freelance Search and Replace - provides a text search and replace capability for Freelance for OS/2 and Freelance for Windows. |
219 | | 24-01-1990 | 22 Kb. | 8 | FileList - dir browser and OS/2 command line. Combines a list of files with a command line on the same screen. DOS and OS/2 commands can be performed conveniently on selected groups of files. Includes DOS and OS/2 executables. |
220 | | 03-07-1995 | 83 Kb. | 8 | PMFLComp (V1.62) PM File Comparison. Compare 2 files 3 ways: ASCII(Line by Line) HEX(Byte by Byte) and Checksum. Contains bug fixes. |