File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 30-12-1990 10 Kb. 10
Fill/2:  OS/2 floppy diskette filler.  Copies
a filespec to floppy, packing as many files
and EAs as possible onto diskette.  
202 18-08-1996 24 Kb. 9
FileSize - A file size utility that shows logica
l and physical size, and EA size. 
203 03-11-1994 2 Kb. 9
This is a simple little external function writte
n in OS/2 REXX that will identify what file
type a specified partition uses. It will pretty
reliably identify FAT, HPFS and CD-ROM drives. 
204 03-11-2002 91 Kb. 8
The Document Finder v2.78 as VREXX application(D
ec 13 1997) 
205 03-03-1990 12 Kb. 8
PM file finder progr - multi thread 
206 16-09-1993 56 Kb. 7
FINDEX lets you search all drives/directories
on the system PATH for a program and reports
the location of its executable files. Under
Windows or OS/2, FINDEXEC also reports the requi
site dynamic link libraries (DLLs). 
207 23-06-1995 37 Kb. 9
Version 3.0 of Find-it, a fast file finder for
OS/2. Drag 'n' Drop, full wild card support,
multiple drive searches, automatic drive selecti
on etc.  VROBJ.DLL required (see REXX file area)
208 10-03-1988 22 Kb. 8
OS/2 program to find strings on disk. 
209 28-11-1989 16 Kb. 8
Enhanced version of the DOS and OS/2 FIND utilit
y. Allows wildcards in filenames; wildcards
in string pattern; searching through binary
files; searching for labels in C and ASM source
files; case insensitive option. 
210 26-07-1994 45 Kb. 8
File Info 1.0 for OS/2. A file infomation browse
r that retrieves info on file and directory
objects from any WPS View. 

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