File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 20

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
191 03-11-1999 120 Kb. 6
File Freedom 2.0 is a full-featured PM file
manager that comes complete with an internal
Zip Viewer as well as some features designed
especially for networks.  Now Freeware! 
192 25-08-1989 7 Kb. 9
Norton-like filefind, inc. other drives 
193 29-11-1996 107 Kb. 8
FileQuery v2.23 enhanced DIR, ATTRIB, text/file
SEARCH command. 
194 14-10-1992 84 Kb. 8
Filer v1.10 for OS/2 v2.0.  Text-based file
manager, similar in appearance to Norton Command
er.  Beta; doc's in German.  
195 23-03-1989 21 Kb. 9
Emulates QNX files command - replaces dir. This
is a glorified directory listing program based
on QNX's files command. Lists files and recurses
the directory tree.  It includes source code.
196 01-01-1996 51 Kb. 9
FileSpy, show file type of nearly any file. 
197 13-07-2002 45 Kb. 8
FileSpy/2 - A tool that shows info about files
and their type (Apr 21 1997) 
198 21-09-1993 46 Kb. 8
A rexx script plus a DLL (with source) that
you can use to install a desktop object telling
you statistics about file dropped on it. 
199 16-12-1995 8 Kb. 8
These are simple batch files to create sequentia
lly numbered files from any source file called
200 22-08-1994 22 Kb. 9
Floppy disk filler, v1.21 

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