Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
181 | | 07-01-1996 | 176 Kb. | 8 | FFF v1.3, frisky file finder. |
182 | | 12-04-1992 | 20 Kb. | 10 | Find File/PM. Find files using environment varia bles Locate DLLs in LIBPATH, .H's in INCLUDE, .EXE in PATH etc Useful for finding #included files, or DLLs and any other exe that you are unsure of. Note: Works only on OS/2 2.0. |
183 | | 23-01-1994 | 42 Kb. | 8 | FileGraph V1.0 for OS/2 and DOS. FileGraph is a simple util which graphs the relative space used by each directory on a disk. The tree displ ay is in an outline form which may be expanded and collapsed. |
184 | | 12-03-1994 | 34 Kb. | 10 | FileGraph/PM V1.0 Disk Space Analysis Utility. Analyses and graphs disk space usage by director y. |
185 | | 21-01-1998 | 17 Kb. | 9 | FI allows you to attach file information and comments to a file. Freeware. |
186 | | 13-04-1993 | 174 Kb. | 7 | UNIX 'file' for OS/2 and MSDOS. Port to OS/2 1.x--2.x and MSDOS of Ian Darwin's file(1) comma nd. The UNIX program attempts to determine the type of file based on the contents. A databa se of signatures (the magic(4) file) is used. |
187 | | 21-06-1995 | 227 Kb. | 9 | FileBar 2.05 - for OS/2 2.1 & Warp. OS/2 Warp or OS/2 2.1 too slow? Newest version of OS/2's shell replacement is complete rewrite of previou s 1.xx level & has A LOT of new features. Enhanc ements over version 2.04. |
188 | | 24-06-1995 | 227 Kb. | 8 | FileBar v2.05. Application launch bar and shell replacement for OS/2. Uses MUCH less memory than IBM's WPS and gives precious memory back to your applications. Great for 4 or 8 MB system s which, along with passwording features,& more. |
189 | | 15-04-1997 | 261 Kb. | 8 | Drag'N'Drop files onto this viewer to read and edit their .COMMENTS Standard Extended Attribute s. Viewer and REXX files updated as of 4/15/97. |
190 | | 01-01-2000 | 6 Kb. | 9 | FileCopy is a utility for copying defective files. FileCopy will attemt to read any available byte in a file, and fill in a given byte for all unreadable bytes. |