File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 31

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
301 24-05-2003 38 Kb. 5
The Map2Idc v1.3 converter for OS/2 and DOS/4GW.
 Usage: map2idc [-b####] map-file (Jan 25 1996) 
302 12-01-1996 156 Kb. 4
PM Based editor. 
303 11-02-1998 815 Kb. 5
Full featured general purpose PM based text
editor. Programmable. 
304 14-02-2003 775 Kb. 4
MAPE v2.3.1 - A Programmer Editor for OS/2 v3.0,
4.0,4.5  as an accomplished programmable text
editor with many features(Jan 18 2003) 
305 14-10-1994 52 Kb. 4
ManyClip v3.3, 10/25/94. Provides multiple OS/2
PM text clipboards. Completely transparent to
and compatible with all apps that use the clipbo
ard. Incl an editable PM view of the current
clipboard, also save, restore, and print. 
306 25-08-1989 262 Kb. 5
Magma Editor for OS/2 v2.2. Character mode progr
ammer's editor. OS/2.  Includes capabilities
such as multiple editing windows, macro language
capabilities, keyboard redefinition, etc. 
307 02-10-1994 380 Kb. 5
Text editor for PM. MDI interface allows multipl
e documents open at a time. Toolbar, status
bar, dynamic menus, highly configurable. Can
access MR/2's spelling checker and thesaurus. 
308 21-01-1995 497 Kb. 4
The MUTT Editor, an emacs-style editor (OS/2
309 21-01-1995 592 Kb. 4
The MUTT Editor, an emacs-style editor (source) 
310 14-09-1995 244 Kb. 5
Mr. Ed - A PM OS/2 editor with *many* functions. 

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