File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 32

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
311 18-03-1999 731 Kb. 6
MED v1.25 (German) Powerful shareware text edito
r for programmers, currently available for the
platforms Windows 9x/NT4.0 and OS/2 PM.  
312 08-02-2000 710 Kb. 5
MED's functionality is designed to be suitable
for any text editing job. In addition MED provid
es a lot of features that support writing and
compiling source code. 
313 01-11-1996 199 Kb. 5
MegaClip is a utility to manage multiple OS/2
PM clipboards. 
314 20-03-1994 512 Kb. 6
MicroEMACS 3.12 OS/2 Port of Emacs  
315 02-02-1997 246 Kb. 5
Utility - Clipboard manager (text, BMP, MET). 
316 19-09-1995 164 Kb. 7
Highlighting, hooks and more for EPM 5.51/6. 
317 04-04-1991 60 Kb. 6
This is a text view/browse program utilizing
an MLE window. Complete source included.  
318 13-09-1993 6 Kb. 4
Multiple List Viewer.  Define up to 5 ASCII
lists to be displayed. Does searche too! Great
for BBS lists. 
319 09-12-1996 131 Kb. 4
MMM is a small multi-platform text editor with
hypertext features. 
320 06-03-1997 77 Kb. 5
Most 4.23 - browse or page through a text file. 

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