File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 35

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
341 07-12-1994 132 Kb. 6
Logitech ScanMan Device Driver (beta) for IMPOS/
2 the german answer to APPLAUSE (A lot less
expensive and FAST!)  
342 09-10-1995 797 Kb. 6
Impos/2 Scanner drivers. These are new scanner
drivers for Impos/2 and Mustek and Microtek.
They don't support other models of scanners
but are for users who have problems with specifi
c SCSI-adapters (Adaptec 1505, 1510, 1520, ...). 
343 02-12-2000 810 Kb. 8
Impos/2 scanner driver for OS/2 and Lotus Notes
R5(Nov. 2000). For Impos/2 v2.1 is recommended. 
344 07-09-1996 17 Kb. 7
Always Technology IN2000 SCSI device driver.
Includes instruction, sample config.sys. Ver:
849-6.3 (950305). 
345 30-06-1995 59 Kb. 9
IBM ThinkPad Infrared Device Driver v1.0 dated
06/30/95. An OS/2 Warp device driver supporting
the infrared device installed on a IBM* ThinkPad
755CE, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CV, 755CX, 755CS, 755CS
E, 701C, and 701CS. 
346 28-12-1995 4 Kb. 8
This OS/2 base device driver initializes your
serial mouse so that the OS/2 mouse driver can
be loaded even if you are doing a warm boot
from DOS. 
347 09-02-2001 1146 Kb. 8
iODBC - ODBC driver manager, ODBC drivers, JDBC-
ODBC bridge incl. sources. 
348 11-03-2000 291 Kb. 8
I/O Magic MagicSound 16 (OPTi 924) sound card
349 30-01-1993 229 Kb. 7
Iomega SCSI device drivers (floptical, Bernoulli
, etc.). 
350 27-10-1995 886 Kb. 8
Iomega ZIP Drivers 95/10/27. This driver for
the Iomega ZIP and other drives is from their
BBS (downloaded 11/13/95). Included is an .ADD
driver and an .OAD. 

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