File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 34

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
331 29-04-2001 1467 Kb. 9
Citrix ICA OS/2 Client v6.01(Apr. 2001) 
332 11-02-1994 49 Kb. 7
OS/2 2.1 IC Memory Card Drivers v 1.0 
333 27-04-1997 26 Kb. 8
ICS 2115 (WaveFront) MMPM/2 and RTMIDI driver. 
334 24-11-2000 152 Kb. 5
( IBM IDE & ATAPI Drivers V 4.59. 
335 idedasd.exe 23-01-1999 128 Kb. 7
OS/2 IDE drivers to support HDs >4.3GB, date
7 Jan 1999. Correct the bug that stops disks
larger than 4.3GB from being seen correctly.
Drivers are newer than those shipped in fixpacks
8 for Warp4 and 38 for Warp 3. 
336 30-05-2001 150 Kb. 8
An fix for driver IBM1S506.ADD(v10.048), IBMATAP
I.FLT(v10.042), IBMIDECD.FLT(v10.047),OS2CDROM.D
MD(v10.049). Read/write blocks for CD-RW media,
support USB CD-ROM, DVD, low level formatting
for CD-RW and DVD-RAM media and new IOCTL option
337 idedasd1.exe 27-09-1997 84 Kb. 6
Versions of IBM1S506.ADD and IBMIDECD.FLT that
support IDE disks >4.3GB. These drivers are
newer than those included in the Warp 4 install.
Don't use with Warp 4 fixpack 5 or Warp 3 fixpac
k 34.  Files dated 7-31-97 and 7-29-97. 
338 idedasd2.exe 25-04-1998 86 Kb. 8
IDE drivers for >4Gb disks. Address a bug in
both Warp 3 and 4 versions that cause IDE drives
greater than 4Gb to be seen incorrectly. This
version was updated on 98/01/23 and contains
a copy of IBM1S506.ADD dated 98/01/12. 
339 25-10-2000 44 Kb. 5
IDEFLPY - A replacement of IBM1FLPY.ADD to use
up to 11 diskettes drives. 
340 28-04-1995 64 Kb. 7
DTC OS/2 Drivers for VLB/PCI IDE controller
cards. DTC Local Bus IDE controller driver for
OS/2. Supports VLB and PCI versions of DTC contr
oller cards. 

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