Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
161 | | 11-01-2003 | 5 Kb. | 8 | Write Disk utility, restores disk from raw binar y file. Usage: WriteDsk <FilePath> <DriveLetter> : |
162 | | 16-06-1994 | 21 Kb. | 8 | WPS UnZip Shell program. Support many archive formats. |
163 | | 05-08-1998 | 92 Kb. | 10 | Updated Netscape helper for WarpZip v1.09. |
164 | | 23-06-1996 | 227 Kb. | 8 | X1 archiver v0.94h for 32bit OS/2 (req:386+) *Beta* Compresses several files into a single file. Command-line controlled. Compresses to many compatible archiver formats (X,ZIP,ARJ,LZH, ZOO,..). |
165 | x_os2_18.exe | 24-05-1991 | 78 Kb. | 20 | Poly uncompress pgm for OS/2 - uncompresses .ARC, .ZIP and .LZH formats |
166 | | 06-05-1993 | 7 Kb. | 9 | UnARCer for OS/2 - unarcs SEA's Kitten archives! This is version 7.12. |
167 | xarc_os2.exe | 08-04-1991 | 7 Kb. | 17 | XARC Plus 7.01 for OS/2 and Groupmail |
168 | | 31-08-1994 | 88 Kb. | 10 | Macintosh BinHex-format unarchiver v2.1 |
169 | | 04-03-1992 | 32 Kb. | 10 | BinHex Decoder 91/01/13. A small DOS file that will decode files sent over the Internet using the BinHex protocol, native to the Macintosh. Provided as is. |
170 | zam22h.exe | 17-09-1995 | 82 Kb. | 18 | ZAM2 Archivers Desktop Shell 95/08/29. Desktop shell to create & extract/view archives of type ZIP, PKZIP, LZH, TAR, Z & OS/2s PACK & PACK2. Archives of type ZOO, ARC & ARJ are extracted. Run programs right out archive & more. Needs VREXX. |