File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 20-04-1995 47 Kb. 10
ZBACKUP 1.31 for PKZIP/UNZIP 2.04  
172 07-02-1995 157 Kb. 8
Zip Chunker 3.01 - Fast! ZIP File Splitter for
DOS & OS/2. Splits and sizes all types of files,
including ZIP files.  Will split to a size to
fit specific floppy format or to user determined
size. Files except ZIP files can be rejoined. 
173 07-02-1995 176 Kb. 8
Zip Chunker Pro 3.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ,
ZIP Splitter for DOS & OS/2.  Splits and sizes
all types of files, including archived files.
 Will split to a size to fit specific floppy
format or to user determined size. 
174 03-11-1997 15 Kb. 9
Info-ZIP en/decryption module for ZIP 2.2 and
UNZIP 5.3x. 
175 11-05-1991 66 Kb. 11
Views files in .Zip/.Arc/.Lzh archives. 
176 zip.exe 01-04-1993 68 Kb. 16
InfoZip's ZIP. Recomplied to work with FAT drive
s.  16 bit.  Works with most mail readers 
177 20-10-1991 294 Kb. 9
Portable Zip w/source. 
178 20-11-1992 147 Kb. 8
32 bit version of the Project InfoZip "zip"
archiver for OS/2 2.0. It supports all of the
latest "pkzip" compression formats and handles
EA's and long filenames. Freeware. 
179 22-01-1993 199 Kb. 11
InfoZip zip code for zip19.  (requires UNZ50X32
to unzip) 
180 21-08-1992 97 Kb. 9
Zip v1.9. Supports deflation and OS/2 EA's.
*Note: does NOT support imploding! Use Zip v1.0
to implode. 

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