Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
491 | | 29-01-1994 | 19 Kb. | 5 | Announcements of the DB2/2 & DB2/600 Software Developer's Kits. |
492 | | 01-08-1991 | 3 Kb. | 4 | Recompile of Database Manager Extd Svcs Threads. This is a reformatted compilation of the OS/2 Database Manager announcements related to the upcoming Extended Services. |
493 | dbexpert.txt | 05-04-1996 | 1 Kb. | 26 | DBExpert Database V2.0 Announcement. DBExpert is a visual OS/2 database for both end-users and developers. |
494 | dbflib.txt | 23-07-1992 | 0 Kb. | 34 | Need beta testers for new programming library called dbfLIB: a set of programming libraries for accessing/managing dBASE files. Support for OS/2, Windows, and DOS -- 100% compatible across these environments. (text) |
495 | | 21-02-1993 | 1 Kb. | 5 | Announcing dbfLIB Programmer's Library by dSOFT. Text file describing a new programming library for the Windows and OS/2 C programmer who need access to dBASE files. |
496 | dbflib2.txt | 17-09-1995 | 7 Kb. | 52 | dbfLIB Version 2 Information. dbfLIB is a C/C++ programmer's library for reading, writing, creat ing dBASE files. Product includes DLLs for DOS, Windows, OS/2 and Windows NT. Great for writing cross platform custom database applications. |
497 | | 25-07-1991 | 6 Kb. | 4 | This is the announcement letter for the Distribu ted Console Access Facility (DCAF), which allows one OS/2 workstation to take over control of another OS/2 workstation via remote communicatio ns. |
498 | dce.txt | 23-06-1993 | 2 Kb. | 38 | IBM DCE Beta Program Signup is Extended. IBM is extending the signup period for the current beta programs for IBM DCE for OS/2 (R) and WINDO WS* to new participants to July 09,1993. |
499 | | 06-02-1993 | 5 Kb. | 5 | Description of beta prpgram for DCE OS/2 |
500 | | 21-02-1993 | 5 Kb. | 4 | IBM is initiating a beta program to test core Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) function on OS/2 Version 2.0 systems. This file describes the program and provides planning, technical support and ordering information. |