File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 51

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
501 14-06-1993 5 Kb. 6
Updated information document for IBM DCE for
OS/2 beta program 
502 01-06-1995 8 Kb. 4
Devcon Product Evaluation Info. Overview of
the Developer Connection Program. Sample End
User License Agreement from Developer Connection
for OS/2. Details what developers would need
to include a demo, or pre-release, in one or
more issues. 
503 28-08-1993 1 Kb. 4
DCE for Software Developers Workshop. In this
5-day workshop, students become familiar with
the components of OSF DCE by following the devel
opment of a basic distributed application using
the full complement of DCE tools and services. 
504 dcf14d.txt 18-05-1995 13 Kb. 33
DCF/2 1.4D Update Info and README.14 file. Users
of DCF/2 Version 1.4 can download this file
to see what updates are in Versions 1.4c and
505 25-05-1995 4 Kb. 4
DCF/2 Data Compression Facility Description.
A flat text file of general DCF/2 product inform
ation.  Print or view  with non-proportional
fonts for easiest viewing. 
506 dclanv4.txt 17-09-1995 9 Kb. 40
DevCon8 Lan CD Version 4 Contents. This is the
content list for the DevCon 8 Lan CD version
507 19-08-1991 1 Kb. 6
OS/2 Device Driver Classes. Course outlines
for OS/2 Device Driver classes.  1.x and 2.0
topics are included 
508 ddconf.txt 28-05-1993 2 Kb. 46
OS/2 Device Driver Conference announcement.
Learn the latest, detailed information about
developing device drivers for displays, printers
, storage, LAN, multimedia, and input devices.
Early registration ends June 21, 1993. 
509 01-08-1993 1 Kb. 5
Device Driver Developer Support. This file conta
ins the "Who?, Where?, and How?" regarding IBM
support for device driver developers. 
510 22-05-1995 39 Kb. 5
Digital Dictate Brochure 95/05/01. NCC's Digital
Dictate for VTW Brochure. The combination of
Digital Dictate and VoiceType Dictation provides
the most advanced and feature rich computer
based dictation available. 

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