Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
481 | | 04-09-1992 | 5 Kb. | 6 | SAA CUA Controls Libarary/2 announcement letter. Text file containing the announcement for IBM SAA CUA Controls Libarary/2 Version 1.0. This is a library that allows developers to produce CUA compliant apps under OS/2 1.x and Windows 3.x |
482 | | 07-03-1992 | 6 Kb. | 6 | New Curriculum for OS/2 Communications & LAN Services |
483 | custctrl.txt | 06-08-1995 | 8 Kb. | 49 | ObjectPM Control Pack Info. Custom PM Controls including spreadsheet, formatted entry field, RTF viewer, guages, calendar, multi-column enhan ced listbox & more. Can be used by any tool that can access a standard OS/2 control via PM messages. |
484 | da2.bta | 27-08-1993 | 1 Kb. | 27 | Distributed Application/2 CICS Access Beta Progr am. The new facility will allow an OS/2 program to start and share data with MVS-based CICS applications throught the DA/2 APIs. |
485 | da2.txt | 13-12-1993 | 2 Kb. | 55 | Distributed Application/2 Announcement Letter. Information about the new release of Distributed Application/2, release 1.2. New features include access to mainframe CICS applications, and IMS v4.1 transactions. |
486 | | 28-03-1993 | 1 Kb. | 6 | Announcement letter for Distributed Application/ 2 Version 1.1, a set of APIs that provide a consistent way to access interprocess and networ k communication functions under OS/2 v2.0. |
487 | | 05-06-1991 | 3 Kb. | 5 | Developer Assistance Program offerings/info. This file contains an abstract regarding the offerings of the Developer Assistance Program, eligibility requirements, and information on how to apply for entrance. |
488 | dapnet.ann | 01-10-1994 | 3 Kb. | 30 | Announcing the availability of DAPTOOLS on the Internet |
489 | | 25-08-1989 | 13 Kb. | 7 | Announcement: IBM Data Interpretation System. This file contains the announcement letters for a new IBM product called the IBM Data Interp retation System. |
490 | | 21-02-1993 | 17 Kb. | 6 | Announce letter for DB/2 for OS/2 Version 1.0 and DDCS/2 Version 2.0. Includes descriptions and prices. |