File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 43

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
421 bbspr225.txt 26-02-1995 2 Kb. 44
OS/2 Shareware BBS Press Release announcing
file collection growth to 10,000 files.  2/24/95
422 16-10-1993 1 Kb. 8
Press release announcing new phone lines on
the OS/2 Shareware BBS.  10/15/93. 
423 betaslis.txt 19-10-1995 0 Kb. 31
New OS/2 systems mgt. toll. CleverManage is
a powerful, simple to use distributed systems
management tool. Manage both OS/2 &  Windows
machines. Software distribution, inventory manag
ement, configuration management, appl. monitorin
g, & more. 
424 20-06-1992 2 Kb. 7
OS/2 International Tools Conference bulletin
from the IBM NSC BBS 
425 21-09-1992 4 Kb. 6
Text info about IBM's OS/2 Developers Conference
in Oct. 
426 bmnewver.txt 23-07-1994 3 Kb. 40
BackMaster v1.1 NewVersion Announcement. This
TEXT file oulines availability and enhancements
of BackMaster v1.1 
427 23-07-1994 7 Kb. 8
BackMaster v1.1 New Version announcement. This
is a PostScript file suitable for printing on
PostScript Laser Printers that describes the
enhancements and availability of BackMaster
428 bmtcdrom.doc 13-12-1996 7 Kb. 24
BMT Micro OS/2 shareware CD. All the OS/2 sharew
are distributed by BMT Micro. Features 100+
of the very finest apps available for OS/2 -
all the top shareware internet app, file and
directory utilites, ZOC, productivity and more! 
429 01-08-1993 3 Kb. 5
A brief description of what's going on at the
Software Development '93 and Business Software
Solutions (formerly the Windows & OS/2 Conferenc
e) shows, being held in Boston, MA, August 23-27
, 1993. 
430 bpbook.txt 31-07-1992 0 Kb. 32
OS/2 Application Development Tools - Information
on a new book detailing OS/2 application develop
ment tools. 

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