File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 44

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
431 01-08-1993 2 Kb. 5
Business Software Solutions: New OS/2 Conference
. Info detailing the rebuilt conference tracks
at Business Software Solutions (formerly the
Windows & OS/2 Conference). 
432 27-08-1993 1 Kb. 8
Press Release Announcing OS/2 BakupWiz. 
433 28-08-1993 2 Kb. 7
IBM CAD/ONE Announcement. ALTIUM(an IBM company)
is pleased to announce a new player in the low
cost CAD arena. IBM CAD/ONE is now available
in both OS/2 and DOS versions. 
434 capr.txt 02-04-1995 1 Kb. 49
SofTouch Systems/Carry Associates Announcement.
Complete text of press release issued March
20, 1995 announcing SofTouch Systems acquistion
of exclusive rights to all Carry Associates
435 12-12-1992 3 Kb. 9
Announcement of cc:Mail for the WorkPlace Shell
(Press Release) 
436 cdmaker.txt 16-11-1995 4 Kb. 54
UNITE CD-MAKER Product Information 
437 cdr.txt 22-02-1996 3 Kb. 37
MDI Announces Express Writer for OS/2. This
file contains a press release announcing MDI's
writable CD solution for OS/2, the Express Write
438 cdwrit.txt 05-02-1995 3 Kb. 46
Announcement of RSJ CD Writer File System. Acces
s writable CDs via OS/2 drive letter to create
custom CDs, use COPY, XCOPY, the WPS or whatever
prefer-ISO9660 compliant- multi-session capabili
ty, open & work with any session on CD. 
439 cexpbeta.txt 19-02-1995 3 Kb. 32
Credit Express beta program announcement. Valida
te, capture and settle credit card transactions
in real time for OS/2. 
440 checkit.txt 17-10-1995 2 Kb. 43
CHECKIT description. "Take charge" & monitor
up to 1000+ servers in 5 domains. Polling detect
s inoperative servers & sends message &/or calls
pager. Icon click provides info of a net statist
ics, share, session & view command. 

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