File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 42

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
411 27-08-1993 1 Kb. 6
IBM Antivirus Services today announced version
1.30 of IBM AntiVirus/DOS and IBM Antivirus/2. 
412 avnov.txt 20-12-1993 2 Kb. 51
Announcement: IBM extends virus protection to
Novell Netware SE. IBM is now shipping an enhanc
ed version of its IBM AntiVirus products, includ
ing protection for Novell NetWare LAN servers. 
413 24-02-1993 1 Kb. 6
IBM OS/2 2.0 Named Software Product of the Year.
This press release, issued by IBM on Wednesday,
Feb 17, describes the most recent award received
by OS/2 2.0 - from Datamation. 
414 19-11-1992 1 Kb. 7
OS/2 Developer Awards 
415 ba2pr31.ann 07-09-1995 3 Kb. 53
Announcement of Back Again/2 v3.10.  The first
and only OS/2 backup app that supports the Conne
r 4000 IDE-attached tape drive!  
416 ba2pro.ann 15-09-1994 2 Kb. 53
Announcement of Back Again/2 Professional editio
n, new OS/2 SCSI tape backup software with many
features and a great interface. 
417 22-10-1995 32 Kb. 8
Text mode program listing information on Babalyn
418 barcod.txt 01-10-1994 2 Kb. 48
Barcode Anywhere for OS/2. Solution Technology,
Inc. announces Barcode Anywhere for OS/2. BCA
works as a filter under IWP/2 and also as a
batch process. Developers Kits and single statio
n licences are available. 
419 barnes.ann 17-07-1994 0 Kb. 44
David Barnes specking at NJ OS/2 Users Group
August 2, 1994. 
420 bbs_0611.txt 17-06-1996 2 Kb. 39
Announcement: The OS/2 Shareware BBS, home of
the world's largest collection of OS/2 shareware
, freeware and public domain programs and inform
ation, received its one millionth call today. 

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