File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 41

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
401 09-07-1991 2 Kb. 8
IBM announcement and upgrade form for $99 PC-DOS
-> OS/2 upgrade. 
402 22-10-1991 53 Kb. 8
Announcements for: OS/2 Version 2.0, Extended
Services, OS/2 2.0 Tools for Application Develop
ment. From IBMLink 10/22.  
403 14-11-1989 36 Kb. 8
November 14, 1989, product announcements by
IBM relating to OS/2, including the i860 develop
ment tools, Version 1.2 SE and EE information,
Lan Server information, etc. 
404 01-02-1995 9 Kb. 58
Get notice of IBM Announcements by Internet
email, retrieve selected announcements by email
or fax. 
405 appccf.txt 23-10-1992 1 Kb. 59
APPC Conference. An information announcement
about an APPC developer's conference 12/7-10/92
in San Francisco. 
406 06-08-1992 193 Kb. 7
Announcement for APPC/STV (commercial software)
- a full implementation of LU 6.2 (APPC) for
OS/2 programmers who program in Smalltalk/V
407 19-07-1991 2 Kb. 6
Text of IBM/APPLE/MOTOROLA press release. This
is the press release issued 7/91 regarding an
agreement between IBM, Apple, and Motorola. 
408 14-07-1991 3 Kb. 6
An IBM-released Q&A session regarding the Apple-
IBM deal.  Addresses the impact this will or
won't have on OS/2.  
409 18-06-1994 0 Kb. 6
Audiovation 2.0 Announcement 
410 21-06-1989 18 Kb. 7
IBM announcement of Audio Visual Presentation
system hardware. 

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