File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 40

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
391 997320.ann 06-12-1997 11 Kb. 59
Announcement: Software Withdrawal: IBM TCP/IP
Version 2.0 Base and Kits except NFS -- Replacem
ents Available 
392 GCPv3.txt 23-04-1998 2 Kb. 54
Golden CommPass v3.0 announcement. An OS/2 navig
ation program designed to automate access to
the CompuServe Information Service (CIS). Provid
es support for CompuServe's Host-Micro Interface
(HMI)and more. 
393 a4os2.txt 03-02-1992 5 Kb. 58
Alpha Software Corp. introduces Alpha Four v2.0,
the network-ready "Relational Database for Non-P
rogrammers". Alpha Four v2.0 now comes in DOS
and OS/2 versions. Contact Alpha Software for
more information at (800)451-1018. 
394 acmirror.pre 13-04-1996 9 Kb. 58
March 19, 1996  ARCO Low Cost IDE Adapter Places
OS/2 Mirroring on Every Desktop 
395 ad.txt 23-06-1993 2 Kb. 56
1-800-IBM-CARY. A new number has been establishe
d into IBM so you can learn about what  our
Cary, North Carolina Laboratory has to offer
you in software solutions. BookManager, Installe
r, ISPF, CSP, and DA/2. 
396 afterd.txt 30-01-1994 2 Kb. 41
A press release detailing BocaSoft's After Dark
support for WipeOut. 
397 agree.txt 05-11-1994 3 Kb. 49
This is a copy of the press release talking
about the Fall 1994 agreement between IBM and
398 24-04-1990 2 Kb. 7
Info on TimeStar's Active Life 1.0 for OS/2.
Announcement of TimeStar's introduction of Activ
e Life 1.0 for Windows, DOS, and OS/2 Presentati
on Manager. 
399 19-04-1991 4 Kb. 7
4/18 press releases from IBM pertaining to weekl
ong OS/2-related activities 
400 18-05-1993 11 Kb. 7
Zipped text of the IBM OS.2 2.1 announcement
from IBMLink.  5/18/93 

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