File index of fsxNet Mystic BBS Utils, Mods etc. page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 12-10-2020 4 Kb. 33
              Official Release
            RCS Who's Online V0.5
   This is a replacement for the default
     Mystic who's online menu command.
 Features an ANSI header that will display
   with caller information for each node
 below. Easy install as it is a Mystic MPL
   for Mystic BBS v1.12+. Don't let your
   board use stock options that everyone
       else is using! Get creative!
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 
72 12-10-2020 426 Kb. 28
              Official Release
     RCS Mystic Country Count v2.1.1.4
   This program will read your Mystic BBS
     MIS log, and generate a text report
     indicating the countries that have
   connected to your system. It will also
     keep a talley of how many Blocked
  Connections you received that day. Post
as a System Bulletin, or post to a network
  Stats echo! Updated for new file names
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 
73 19-10-2020 18 Kb. 25
              Official Release
      RCS Scrollz Announcements V0.9b
 Ever wanted to be able to have a scrolling
   announcement on your Main Menu of your
  Mystic BBS system? Now you can! This MPL
   gives you the ability to have up to 10
   messages that are randomly chosen and
   displayed. The INI file gives you the
 options as to where you want it place, the
    speed and even the color of the text.
Will NOT work right on menu with Lightbars
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 
74 29-09-2020 23 Kb. 31
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
:      groups/bases selector mpy        :
  a simple light bar selection menu for
  mystic bbs, file/message bases and
  groups. with a nice scrollbar and
  able to list infinite entries.
75 14-10-2020 24 Kb. 28
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
:       InterBBS Last Caller MPY        :
  An InterBBS LastCallers script for
Mystic. Watch which BBS gets the most
traffic and which users are more active
and where. Get a list of BBSes that are
active and connect immediately via this
 New to this version...
  - Re-written in MPY, for easier install
    in BBSes.
  - Fixed Bugs
  - Lightbar selection for BBS list
76 30-10-2020 17 Kb. 32
              Official Release
            RCS Logoff Menu v4.2
   This MPL will take the place of your
   'goodbye' menu in Mystic. It has many
  options for your users, such as leaving
   a quote for the next user, message the
   Sysop, return to the BBS, or use it to
 call other MPLs to make the logoff process
  a little more fun! This is a rewrite of
  an MPE from zoob in 1999. Additions have
     been made, along with new material.
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 
77 06-11-2020 16 Kb. 26
              Official Release
             RCS One Liners v4.3
   This MPL gives your users another way
  to leave messages for each other. This
   one liner is very easy to use, and to
 set up. You can set the color scheme when
  you call the compiled MPL, by using one
   of the included color codes. This MPL
  was originally written by zoob, and has
 been updated to work with current Mystic
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 
78 09-11-2020 13 Kb. 28
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
  V0T3L1N3R v1.0 = another oneliner mod
  another oneliner? or da best one? :p
  infinite liners, simple vote/like
  system, sort liners by best/worst,
  elite font support! sysops can edit
  delete lines on the fly. what else do
  you need? remove the default one and
  add the best oneliner mod ever!
 Mystic BBS 1.12A44+ / Linux / Win / RPi
79 09-12-2020 45 Kb. 36
              Official Release
          RCS Animated Prompts v3.5
   It's time to get rid of those boring
  static >PAUSE< prompts in Mystic. Now
 you can give them charactor, color, and
 best of all, animation! Easy to set up
 and use. You can easily create your own
  prompts as either a text or ansi file.
  This program can theoretically handle
      unlimited number of prompts!
 Can now set the X,Y coordinates of where
         the prompt will display
 Please read sysop.txt as there are now
 options that can be set in the mps file
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
    RCS Development Team - (c)2020 
80 09-12-2020 16 Kb. 30
              Official Release
           RCS Auto Message v7.5
   This MPL gives your users a place to
   leave a three line message to other
  users. Why have a one liner, when you
 can have three! This MPL can work on its
own, or work in conjunction with RCS Logoff
  as it's already set up in there. Now this
will automatically adjust format for either
        80 or 132 column displays!
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
     RCS Development Team - (c)2020 

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